Books For Sale - February 2025
Paul Ableman Tornado Pratt A Novel Gollancz 1977 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like, price-clipped, Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... Readers will find that Paul Ableman's recreation of the mind of a tycoon has the impact of experience rather than fiction. We do not so much read the adventures - great, small, frequently erotic - of this fine writer's stormy hero. Rather we share them with Tornado as he probes the key incidents of his past, trying to dicover what all men seek, the truth about their lives.''
Boris Akunin Leviathan Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2004 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and page edges browned and a little marked else Fine book in slightly creased Dust Jacket 4.00 ''On 15th March 1878 Lord Littleby, an English eccentric and collector, is found murdered in his Paris house together with nine members of his staff. A gold whale in the victim's hand leads Erast Fandirin to board the Leviathan, the world's largest steamship, to hunt for the murderer... ''
Boris Akunin Turkish Gambit Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2004 First Edition First Printing Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... Our reluctant gentleman sleuth will need... all his dormant powers of detection if he is to unmask the traitor, help the Russians to victory and smooth the path of young love... '' Published 2 months before the US Random House edition.
Campbell Armstrong Deadline Doubleday 2000 First Edition First Printing - Issued Without Dust Jacket Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and one light spine crease else Fine book in laminated boards 5.00 ''At 10.47 one Friday morning successful LA psychiatrist Jerry Lomax answers a phone call that sends his life into freefall... a hard-nosed former LA County district attorney... Emily Ford... is about to get the President's nomination for US Attorney-General... has revealed a secret to Jerry... which... could be devastating... ''
Evelyn Berckman Be All And End All A Novel Hamish Hamilton 1976 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and slightly bumped at base of spine else Fine book in slightly browned Dust Jacket 5.00 ''When an eccentric old lady of ninety-three dies in a chateau near Paris... her two grasping daughters call in the well-known London firm of Palgrave's to value the contents. For Dominic Godfrey, the furniture expert, and for his wife Val, the book expert, the stay... is to have momentous consequences...
Victoria Blake Bloodless Shadow Orion 2003 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 '' Samantha Falconer has always been pretty good at taking care of herself. Four time world judo champion, she now runs the Gentle Way investigation agency... return to Oxford to investigate the disappearance of a young woman... she finds every trail leads back to the university... som,eone is determined to put an end to Sam's search for the truth, at all costs... '' Her first book.
Lawrence Block Everybody Dies Morrow 1998 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and top corners a little slightly bumped else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 10.00 ''Matthew Scudder is finally leading a comfortable life. He's sober, he's married, and the state just gave him a private investigator's licence... Then Scudder signs on to help his closest and most unlikely friend, the larger-than-life Hell's Kitchen hoodlum Mick Ballou. And all hell breaks loose... ''
Dan Brown Inferno Bantam 2013 First Edition First Printing - Issued Simultaneously Bruised at top and base of spine and a few page edges lightly rubbed/bumped else Fine book in decorated boards (as issued) and slightly rubbed Dust Jacket, a little eroded at the top of the front fold 5.00 ''... Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon awakes... with no recollection of where he is or... the origin of the macabre object... hidden in his belongings... a breakneck chase across the city of Florence... only a few lines from Dante's... Inferno, to guide... a puzzle which may... help them save the world... ''
Richard Burke Frozen Orion 2003 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 ''... his childhood friend, Verity, is found at the foot of Beachy Head, barely alive... Jharry's life is thrown into turmoil. He can't accept that the... girl he grew up with would kill herself... Harry is haunted by memories of theor childhood... Harry begins piecing together the last few weeks of Verity's life... '' His first novel.
Michael Butterworth A Virgin on the Rocks Variations on a Theme in a Black Manner Collins Crime Club 1985 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''In 1933 Bernard Fosdyke, aspiring novelist... came to meet Harold Hiram Levy, master art forger... a scheme whereby the Louvre's version of one of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpieces could be exchanged for his hand made copy... with the unwitting assistance of Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, Henry Miller, Pablo Picasso and Jean Cocteau... ''
Stuart Archer Cohen The Stone Angels Orion 2003 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges lightly age-darkened else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 4.00 ''Comisario Miguel Fortunato is a recent widower near retirement after a long career with the Buenos Aires police department. Six months ago... foreigner Robert Waterbury... kidnapping turned to murder... the Americans are sending their own investigator... inexperienced Athena Fowler... discover a crime on a level so grand itt can only be called business,,, ''
John Connor Phoenix Orion 2003 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and top page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 ''... Sometime after midnight Phil Leech, her DS and partner on Operation Anvil, is executed... whilst Fiona Mitchell, his pretty... informant is killed... The police operation to find Leech's killer - Phoenix - is one of the largest... But... Odd details... forcing her to look inside herself... Karen follows her instincts to... more disturbing clues... ''.
David Corbett The Devil's Redhead Orion 2003 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 ''... Dan... smuggles Thai pot... He plans on last run, so he and Shel can start a new life together. Betrayed... arrested, charged... In exchange for light time for Shel, Dan takes a hard fall. Ten long years later, he's out... he sets about tracking her down... setting in motion a brutal chain of events... ''
Patricia Cornwell Cause of Death Little, Brown 1996 First Edition in the UK First Printing? Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... The final murder scene of Virginia's bloodiest year since the civil war... A scuba diver... is dead, an investigative reporter... the case envelops Scarpetta, her niece Lucy, and police captain pete Marino in a world where both cutting-edge technology and old-fashioned detective work are critical offensive weapons... ''
Patricia Cornwell From Potter's Field Little, Brown 1995 First Edition in the UK First Printing? Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... The body was naked, female, and found propped against a fountain ina bleak area of New york's Central Park. Her pparent manner of death points to a modus operandi that is chillingly familiar: the gunshot would to the head, the sections of skin excised fom the body, the displayed corpse... Scarpetta's nemesis, is back at work... ''
Patricia Cornwell Point of Origin Little, Brown 1998 First Edition in the UK First Printing? Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''''... In the ruins of the house she finds a body which tells a story of violent and grisly murder. The fire comes at the same time as another... horror: Carrie Grethen, a killer who nearly destroyed the lives of Scarpetta and those closest to her, has escaped from a forensic psychiatric hospital... ''
Patricia Cornwell Postmortem Macdonald 1990 First Edition in the UK First Printing Light spine crease, slight spine lean, four names on front free end paper in red biro and page edges lightly browned and faintly marked - Very Good book in lightly creased Dust Jacket with a little wear at the top of the front fold 60.00 ''A serial killer is on the loose in Richmond, Virginia. Three women have died... The killer appears to strike at random, except that the terrifying crimes always occur early on Saturday morning. Enter Dr Kay Scarpetta... '' The first in the series. Scarce.
Patricia Cornwell Red Mist Little, Brown 2011 First Edition in the UK First Printing Slightly bumped at base of spine else Fine book in rubbed and slightly creased Dust Jacket 4.00 ''... Scarpetta... finds connections to a string of grisly killings... She can see a pattern... but who is behind them and why?... only the beginning of something far nmore destructive... she is the only one who can stop it... ''
Patricia Cornwell The Body Farm Little, Brown 1994 First Edition in the UK First Printing? Bruised at base of spine and page edges a little marked else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... the corpse of eleven-year-old Emily Steiner is found, with a bullet would to the head and several small sections of skin removed from her frail and abused body... disturbing similarities to the recent murder of young Eddie Heath in Virginia... ''
Patricia Cornwell The Body Farm Little, Brown 1994 First Edition in the UK First Printing? Bruised at top of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 15.00 ''... the corpse of eleven-year-old Emily Steiner is found, with a bullet would to the head and several small sections of skin removed from her frail and abused body... disturbing similarities to the recent murder of young Eddie Heath in Virginia... ''
Patricia D. Cornwell Cruel And Unusual Little, Brown 1991 First Edition First Printing? Slightly bumped at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 20.00 ''At 11.05 one December evening... convicted murderer Ronnie Joe waddell is pronounced dead in the electric chair. At the morgue Dr Kay Scarpetta waits for Waddell's body... Three hours after thirteen-year-old Eddie Heath goes out to buy a can of soup his nude, grotesquely wounded body is found... Scarpetta becomes aware that someone... is sabotaging her professional affairs... ''
Patricia D. Cornwell Unnatural Exposure Little, Brown 1997 First Edition in the UK First Printing? Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like, slightly creased, Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... Five dismembered, beheaded corpses were found in Ireland years ago - now four have been discovered in Virginia. But the tenth corpse... is different... Scarpetta, however, is not happy... about the FBI investigator leaking rumours tot he press... exactly how the victim died... the strange messages that start appearing on her computer... ''
Marcel d'Agneau Eeny Meeny Miny Mole Arlington Books 1980 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like, slightly rubbed, Dust Jacket 5.00 ''The British Secret Service is in chaos. It is rumoured that a new generation of moles has penetrated the higher echelons of the British Government... then the Stationmaster... Head of British Intelligence, disappears... Hugh Grimly, former Stationmaster, now 75 and living quietly in retirement, must be recalled... Grimly is the best molecatcher of them all... '' Satire on Le Carre?
Lindsey Davis The Iron Hand of Mars Hutchinson 1992 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine, previous owner's name and date on front free end paper and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like, unpriced, slightly rubbed and creased, Dust Jacket, with the spine panel a little faded 20.00 ''With Titus Caesar in persuit of his patrician girlfriend Helena, Marcus didius falco, the louche Roman sleuth, is sent out of the way on an undercover mission to Roman Germany. There the natives are decidedly restless... '' Scarce.
Richard H. Davis In The Fog Greenhill 1985 Bruised at top and slightly bumped at base of spine and page edges lightly marked else Fine book in unpriced Dust Jacket. 4.00 ''... the sigular adventures of Lieutenant Ripley Sears of the United States Navy, Naval Attache to the court of Russia, one evening in 1897... '' Listed in Queen's Quorum
Colin Dexter The Daughters of Cain Macmillan 1994 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 12.50 ''... too little progress had been made by the Thames Valley Police since the discovery of a corpse... killed by a single stab wound to the stomach... within days... Chief Inspector Morse... startling new information... Then another body is discovered and suddenly Morse finds himself with rather too many suspects... ''
Peter Dickinson Perfect Gallows Bodley Head 1988 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges browned and and a little marked else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''Wartime. A cold, huge house... The heir... is dead... a young man... the new heir?... Forty years later the same man... comes back to the dispersal sale at the house... is forced to reconsider and face the truth of the events of that distant time... the to-and-fro of intrigue over the inheritance, and the betrayal and death... ''
P. C. Doherty (also as Paul Doherty, Paul C. Doherty, Michael Clynes, Ann Dukthas, C. L. Grace & Paul Harding) Satan in St. Mary's Hale 1986 First Edition First Printing (Library Binding Variant - Blue Leatherette boards and yellow top-page-edges) Page edges a little browned else Fine book in Fine Dust Jacket 500.00 ''... In 1284 the King's interest was roused by the murder in the City of Ralph Crepyn by Lawrence Duket, who then apparently committed suicide... The King, deeply suspicious about the murder, ordered an investigation into the events... A clerk, Hugh Corbett is chosen to conduct this investigation, and is soon drawn into the dark and dangerous underworld of medieval London... ''
P. C. Doherty (also as Paul Doherty, Paul C. Doherty, Michael Clynes, Ann Dukthas, C. L. Grace & Paul Harding) The Fate of Princes Hale 1990 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and bruised at base of spine else Fine book in slightly creased and worn Dust Jacket, with a hint of erosion at the top corners and with the red spine lettering faded 35.00 ''The mystery of the Princes in the Tower... Did they die? Were they killed?... Or did they escape? This novel offers and dramatic and intriguing solution and an original interpretation of documentary and archaeological evidence... ''
P. C. Doherty (also as Paul Doherty, Paul C. Doherty, Michael Clynes, Ann Dukthas, C. L. Grace & Paul Harding) The Fate of Princes Hale 1990 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine, previous owner's name and smudge on front free end paper and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket with a couple of tears. 25.00 ''The mystery of the Princes in the Tower... Did they die? Were they killed?... Or did they escape? This novel offers and dramatic and intriguing solution and an original interpretation of documentary and archaeological evidence... ''
P. C. Doherty (also as Paul Doherty, Paul C. Doherty, Michael Clynes, Ann Dukthas, C. L. Grace & Paul Harding) The Rose Demon Headline 1997 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little browned else Fine book in slightly creased, price-clipped, Dust Jacket 20.00 ''Matthias Fitzosbert is the illegitimate son of the parish priest of the village of Sutton Courteny... Despite the recent spate of murders near the village, each day he braves the dark woods that lead to the ruins of Tenebral to visit his friend, a mysterious hermit who shows him many strange and beautiful things and who tells him about Rosifer, the fallen angel who was God's gardener... ''
Paul Doherty (also as P. C. Doherty, Paul C. Doherty, Michael Clynes, Ann Dukthas, C. L. Grace & Paul Harding) The Hangman's Hymn Headline 2001 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 10.00 ''Stumbling upon a roadside execution, Chaucer's pilgrims witness a hanging that leaves the carpenter in a dead faint. That evening, as the travellers rest in a priory, he narrates a Gloucester hangman's terrifying tale of supernatural murder... ''
M. G. Eberhart The Bayou Road Collins Crime Club 1979 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and slight spine lean else Fine book in like Dust Jacket with spine panel orange background slightly faded 5.00 ''New Orleans in 1863 was a conquered city... Marcy Chastain, beautiful half American half Creole daughetr of a New Orleans family, fought... against a sense of menacing surveilance... Rescue seemed to be provided by the Unionist major billeted on the Chastains... Now she found she was expected to prise Yankee secrets out of him, while murder crept steadily closer... ''
Loren D. Estleman Never Street Mysterious Press 1997 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket with a fingernail puncture in front panel adjacent to spine 5.00 ''Amos Walker is one of the great names in contemporary American detective fiction. Now Loren D. Estleman reprises the Motor Coty's most famous private eye ina novel that pitches a city of gleaming fenders and fading dreams into the stark black-and-white landscape of a 1940's noir classic... ''
Janet Evanovich Three To Get Deadly Hamish Hamilton 1996 First Edition in the UK First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket. 10.00 ''How did Stephanie Plum, bounty hunter, become the most unpopular woman in Trenton, New Jersey... ''
Janet Evanovich Two For The Dough Hamish Hamilton 1996 First Edition in the UK First Printing Lower corners lightly rubbed and page edges lightly marked else Fine Uncorrected Advance Proof. 10.00 ''New Jersey vice cop Joe Morelli... suggesting a partnership, as his case overlaps with Stephanie's. Both of them are tracking Kenny Mancuso, a no-hope scumbag who skipped bail after being arrested for shooting his best friend... ''
Janet Evanovich Visions of Sugar Plums St. Martin's Press 2002 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... it's four days before Christmas and things are not looking merry for fugitive aprehension agent Stephanie Plum. She hasn't got a tree. She hasn't bought any presents... There's not a twinkle light anywhere to be seen in her apartment. And there's a strange man in her kitchen... ''
Richard Falkirk Blackstone and the Scourge of Europe Eyre Methuen 1974 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine and page edges a little marked else Fine book in slightly creased and rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... Edmund Blackstone, Bow Street Runner... sent... to investigate security on the island rock of St Helena, Napoleon, it is rumoured, is planning to escape... ''
Richard Falkirk Blackstone's Fancy Eyre Methuen 1973 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine else Fine book in slightly creased Dust Jacket, with a little wear at the tips of the folds 4.00 ''... Blackstone's involvement in the lurid and exciting world of prizefighting also involves him in blackmail, kidnap, and murder, not to mention attempts on his own life... ''
Jules Feiffer Ackroyd A Novel Hutchinson 1978 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and corners else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''''... a young man whi sets himself up as a private detective under the name 'Roger Ackroyd' and finds himself involved in the tangled affairs of Annabelle Plante... married to... Oscar... who is about to become America's best selling 'serious' novellist... mysteriously plagued by an episode in his faraway past that only Ackroyd can untangle... ''
Matthew Finch Eye Spy Dobson 1975 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in lightly browned Dust Jacket with a small eroded spot at the top of the spine adjacent to the front panel 5.00 ''Private Eyes are mostly men, but among the best are just a few women... This is the second recorded case of Stevie O'Dowda... how one of her routine assignments... turns into something far more dangerous... she still manages to find time for important feminine matters like clothes, dieting, women's rights and… you know... ''
Ian Fleming On Her Majesty's Secret Service Cape 1963 Third Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and upper corners and page edges lightly age-darkened and slightly marked - Very Good book. 15.00 ''... winter came in a lethal welter of mystery, bloodshed and multiple death amid the snow... ''
Dick Francis Odds Against Michael Joseph 1965 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little browned else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 300.00 ''Sid Halley, ex-champion steeple-chase jockey... has just been shot in the stomach in the course of his duties as a private enquiry agent... Convalescing with indecent and painful haste, Sid finds the pace growing hotter and hotter as he investigates the cunningl;y contrived decline of a race-course, and comes to close and spine-chilling grips with the men responsible... ''
Antonia Fraser Oxford Blood Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1985 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges browned and slightly marked else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... The dramatic story, culminating in the last garish all-night scene at the Oxford Commem Ball is told with that special blend of wit and menace which the many admirers of Jemima Shore... have come to associate with her investigations... ''
Brian Freemantle The Man Who Wanted Tomorrow Cape 1975 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little marked else Fine book in like Dust Jacket with red spine panel lettering faded to orange 15.00 ''Four boxes hidden by the Nazis... the fourth box allegedly holds complete files on all high-ranking... members who escaped the Nurenberg Trials, with detailed documentary evidence of the roles they played in the Fuhrer's highest echelons... An auction for the contents of the fourth box is conducted... ''
Nicci French (Sean French and Nicci Gerrard) The Memory Game Heinemann 1997 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 15.00 ''On an autumn morning, the body of a sixteen-year-old girl is found buried in the garden of a country house in Shropshire... Natalie Martello... has been missing for a quarter of a century... Who would have killed he brilliant and beautiful teenage girl? How could an apparently impossible crime have been committed?... ''
Nicci French (Sean French and Nicci Gerrard) The Safe House Heinemann 1998 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 15.00 ''There has been a savage, murderous attack in a quiet prosperous suburb of a provincial English town. It has left two dead, and a teenage girl with her throat cut - but alive... In search of a haven for their one witness, the police turn to Dr Samanmtha Laschen, who seems ideally qualified to be a protector... ''
Thomas Gifford The Wind Chill Factor Hamish Hamilton 1975 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and spine slightly creased and leant, and page edges a little marked else Fine book in slightly browned Dust Jacket 10.00 ''... When John Cooper set off from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to find out what his brother wanted, he certainly did not expect an attempt to murder him. But this paled in copmparison to the havoc which seemed to surround him in snow-bound Wisconsin:: murder, explosions, destruction of public buildings... ''
R. L. Goldman Death Plays Solitaire Boardman 1960s First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top of spine and lower corners and page edges browned else Fine book in worn and slightly torn and creased Dust Jacket 4.00 ''The story opens with Rufus Reed's assignment to witness the electrocution of... a bank robber and murderer of a policeman. It closes with Reed's return to the death house... a circuitous trail beset with excitement and adventure, peopled with plausible, lifelike characters... ''
Sue Grafton G Is For Gumshoe Macmillan 1990 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and slightly bumped at base of spine, a few small black rub marks top edge of front board and page edges lightly marked and slightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''A rich, complex, and gripping tale in which Kinsey's grit is tested to its utmost as she unearths the gruesome truth about a long-buried betrayal... ''
William Haggard The Bitter Harvest Cassell 1971 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little marked else Fine book in slightly worn Dust Jacket with a 25mm closeable tear at the top of the front panel and where the background brown on spine panel has faded 5.00 ''For Colonel Charles Russell, former head of the Security Executive and now its eminence grise, watching the Middle east cauldron has always been anbother man's problem. Now it was coming to the boil...
William Haggard The Hardliners Cassell 1970 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and top front corner else Fine book in slightly worn Dust Jacket with a couple of creases in the front flap 5.00 ''Colonel Charles Russell had retired from the Security Executive but not froma very active life. and when he dined with Sir Fenton Omerod he knew that he had to take a hand. For Sir Fenton was planning to make use of information that would put a certain European country at the mercy of its tremendous masters... ''
Adam Hall (Elleston Trevor) The Kobra Manifesto Collins 1976 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine, board extremities very slightly light-faded and page edges lightly age-darkened else Fine book in slightly rubbed and browned Dust Jacket, with the price removed and Publisher's price sticker on front flap and ora 10.00 ''... Conscious as always that he is living on borrowed time, Quiller allows the London Bureau to throw him into a mission that seems already to be running out of control as one agent after another is reported missing or dead... ''
Denise Hamilton The Jasmine Trade Orion 2003 First Edition in the UK and Thus (?) First Printing (US 1st was 2001 but UK Copyright is 2003) Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 ''Seventeen-year-old Marina Lu lies dead in her shiny new Lexus... Was her murder merely a carjacking gone bad, or is there more to the story? LA Times reporter Eve Diamond begins investigating the case... Why was she marrying a much older man at such a young age? Why is her father so reluctant to provide information about his daughter... ''
Dashiell Hammett Woman In The Dark A Novel of Dangerous Romance Headline 1988 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''Luise Fischer looked like trouble from the moment she limped through the door. But she was the kind of woman men go to a lot of trouble for... ''Introduced by Robert B. Parker; Bibliography; Publication History & Biographical Note
Shirley Harrison The Diary of Jack the Ripper Hyperion 1993 First Edition Thus First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 4.00 ''... describes in grisly detail the murders... filled with clues that identify its author... ''
John Harvey Cutting Edge Viking 1991 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine and along lower edge of front board and Agency Stamp on front free end paper else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... a series of seemingly motiveless assaults on staff at the city's largest teaching hospital. Is there a common thread? Where will the attacker strike next? Who will die before it ends?... Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick and his team struggle to put together the jigsaw of scattered clues... ''
John Harvey Living Proof Heinemann 1995 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine, slight spine lean and page edges browned else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket Signed and Personalised by the Author on the Title Page 10.00 ''The man running down the middle of Alfreton Road at five past three that Sunday morning was... naked... He is the latest victim in a series of vicious attacks on men... ''
John Harvey Living Proof Heinemann 1995 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine, page edges no longer quite parallel and page edges browned else Fine book in lightly creased Dust Jacket 4.00 ''The man running down the middle of Alfreton Road at five past three that Sunday morning was... naked... He is the latest victim in a series of vicious attacks on men... ''
John Harvey Rough Treatment Viking 1990 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine, slight spine lean, page edges slightly marked and Agency Stamp on front free end paper - Very Good book in slightly worn Dust Jacket with a 10mm tear at the base of the front panel adjacent to the spine 7.50 ''When two small-time crooks break into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion of a house, they don't expect to find a kilo of refined cocaine in his safe. When Harold's frustrated wife Maria discovers the intruders in her living-room, she desn't expect to fall in love. Detective Inpector Resnick... ''
John Harvey Rough Treatment Viking 1990 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine, slight spine lean, page edges lightly marked and Agency Stamp on front free end paper - Very Good book in lightly creased Dust Jacket 15.00 ''When two small-time crooks break into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion of a house, they don't expect to find a kilo of refined cocaine in his safe. When Harold's frustrated wife Maria discovers the intruders in her living-room, she desn't expect to fall in love. Detective Inpector Resnick... ''
Jeremiah Healy Swan Dive A Novel of Suspense Harper & Row 1988 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine and top rear corner and small tape mark on front free end paper else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 ''No one mourns the passing of Roy Marsh... not J. J. Braxley, a sadistic, smooth-talking Caribbean drug dealer who sold Roy $250,000 worth of cocaine on credit; not Roy's wife, Hannah, who had just launched a divorse suit against him; and not private eye John Francis Cuddy... fervently mourning the theft of his gun... found in the same room from which Roy took his fatal swan dive... ''
Headon Hill (Francis Edward Grainger) The Hate of Man Nelson ?1920's? Slightly bumped at top and base of faded spine with a small cloth tear at head, boards slighrtly marked, 'LENHAM HOUSE' in biro on front fixed end paper, rear free end paper roughly removed and page edges lightly age-darkened - Good? book 7.50 Very uncommon detective/police procedural
Reginald Hill (Also as Dick Morland, Patrick Ruell & Charles Underhill) Blood Sympathy A Joe Sixsmith novel HarperCollins/The Crime Club 1993 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine, blue owl stamp on front free end paper and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 15.00 ''...PI can mean many things... But can it mean a balding, middle-aged redundant lathe operator from a high-rise in Luton, Beds? Joe Sixsmith thinks it can... '' The first Joe Sixsmith novel.
Reginald Hill (Also as Dick Morland, Patrick Ruell & Charles Underhill) Born Guilty HarperCollins 1995 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine and light spine crease and page edges browned - Very Good to Near Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... Joe Sixsmith stumbles across a boy's corpse in a cardboards box and into more trouble than he's ever known... Joe threads his mild-mannered way through Luton's mean streets, fighting off angry cops, dementied druggies, and the matchmaking machinations of his Auntrie Mirabelle. But the truth he discovers does not set him free... ''
Reginald Hill (Also as Dick Morland, Patrick Ruell & Charles Underhill) Singing the Sadness A Private Eye Joe Sixsmith novel Thomas Dunne/St. Martin's Press 1999 First Edition in the USFirst Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and near lower corner of front board else Fine book in like Dust Jacket a little damp-marked on the inside (no show-through) 4.00 ''... Joe... is off by bus to Wales with his church choir group... On their way, they come upon a summer cottage in flames... a woman trapped inside... The owner of the cottage secretly engages Joe to discover who the woman is... the man's wife also hires Joe to find out if the young woman is actually her husband's lover... ''
Reginald Hill (Also as Dick Morland, Patrick Ruell & Charles Underhill) The Spy's Wife Collins 1980 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket with the price removed 40.00 ''Molly Keatley's safe, happy life disintegrated one fine autumn morning when her husband left with ambiguous haste, and the next she heard of him was that he was accused of being a Russian agent... ''
Reginald Hill (Also as Dick Morland, Patrick Ruell & Charles Underhill) Under World A Dalziel and Pascoe Novel Collins Crime Club 1988 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges browned and a little marked else Fine book in Dust Jacket with a small surface chip (3 x 7mm) missing from top edge of rear panel 7.50 ''... It was his father's death that brought Colin Farr back home. And it is the dark whispers about its cause that keep him working down the hated pit. A university extra-mural course brings relief one day a week and its there that Ellie Pascoe meets him... Andy Dalziel ruminates on the sidelines till a murder in the mine... ''
Tony Hillerman A Thief of Time Michael Joseph 1989 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and slightly bumped and discoloured at base of spine and page edges lightly age-darkened else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... a brilliant anthropologist on the brink of a major discovery disappears... a possible criminl, under suspicion for excavating valuable relics... The murder of two men... deepens the mystery... Only the remarkable story buried in the history of the pots can silve the riddle... ''
Tony Hillerman Sacred Clowns Michael Joseph 1993 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and slightly bumped at base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... a body isd discovered... the solution to the case lies in the clash between those who revere tribal symbols and those who would kill to sell them to the highest bidder... ''
Jilliane Hoffman Retribution Putnam 2004 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 ''... brilliant state prosecutor... well known for keeping her cool... a vicious killer who savours cruelty and considers murder an art... '' Her first book.
Michael Innes (J. I. M. Stewart) The Mysterious Commission Gollancz 1974 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top of spine and lower corners and slightly bumped at base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... a fashionable portrait painter... Charles offered twice his standard fee if he will agree to pend a fortnight in the country, at a place unspecified, painting the portrait of a client who must remain unidentified... Whereupon he is drawn into an extremely bizarre, and for some people fatal, adventure... ''
P. D. James The Skull Beneath The Skin Faber 1982 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and production fault to surface material of front board else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 15.00 ''... the reality is terrifying. It is soon clear that Clarissa Lisle's secret enemy is with her on the island and Cordelia finds herself embroiled in a cse as dangerous as it is mysterious... ''
Graeme Kent One Blood Soho Press 2011 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and at the else lower board edges else Fine book in like, slightly rubbed, Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... the Solomon Islands... acts of sabotage... threaten the local operations of a powerful international logging company... an American tourist is murdered... a sudden upsurge of interest in John F. Kennedy... about to become the thirty-fifth American President... ''
Laurie R. King A Grave Talent HarperCollins 1995 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little browned else Fine book in slightly rubbed, unpriced, Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... Casey Martinelli, a... homicide detective with a secret to conceal, and Alonzo Hawkin, a world-weary cop... thrown together to solve a particularly ugly crime - the murders of three young girls... '' Her first book.
Laurie R. King A Grave Talent St. Martin's Press 1993 First Edition First Printing (First State with Hebrew dedication upside-down) Slightly bumped at top and base of spine else Fine book in slightly worn Dust Jacket with a few short (4 mm) tears and the price removed. 60.00 ''... Katarina Cecilia Martinelli... newly of the San Francisco homicide division, and Alonzo Hawkin, in charge of the investigation, are charged with finsding the truth: murderess or victim?... '' Her first book.
Debra Purdy Kong The Opposite of Dark Touchwood 2011 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top of spine else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''Thirty-year-old Casey Holland likes being a transit security cop. It brings out the best of her compassion, perseverance and courage... Casey learns that her father was murdered in his West Vancouver home the previous evening. The trouble is, Casey buried her dad at an open-casket funeral service three years earlier... ''
Martin Langfield The Malice Box Michael Joseph/Penguin 2007 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 4.00 ''... Robert Reckliss is sent... a copper puzzle box... an acquaintance kills himself... an old friend reveals the existence of an arcane weapon that could wipe the Western world from the face of the planet... primed to explode in seven days... ''
Margaret Lawrence Blood Red Roses Macmillan 1998 First Edition in the UK First Printing Slightly bumped at top of spine else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''The Second Journal of Hannah Trevor, Midwife... 1786... during a midsummer's eve haying party, a body is discoveredin the rose-filled arbor, leading in turn to a horrific scene deep in the woods... Hannah... is accused of murder... ''
Margaret Lawrence Hearts and Bones Macmillan 1997 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket with a small puncture in the front panel gutter. 5.00 ''The First Journal of Hannah Trevor, Midwife... 1786... in the midst of a merciless winter, a young wife and mother has been murdered... in a letter of accusation... she has named her three attackers... the pattern that is beginning to emerge is of a tangle of threads... to ensnare everything and everyone Hannah loves... ''
Margaret Lawrence The Burning Bride Macmillan 1999 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at base of spine and small, shallow bump to top and base edge of front board else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''The Third Journal of Hannah Trevor, Midwife... 1786... Dr Samuel Clinch has petitioned the Magistrates Court to bering charges against Hannah over the death of a patient... when, out walking... she comes upon Clinch's bloated and burnt body, a bullet wound in his chest... ''
Nancy Livingstone Mayhem in Parva St. Martin's Press 1991 First Edition in the US First Printing Bruised at top of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''Retired tax inspector G. D. H. Pringle... return to his roots in the ancient village of Wuffinge Parva in East Anglia... there's a festival being planned... Pringle stumbles on the body of one of the... organisers... the body has disappeared. Shocking revelations, misplaced corpses, sexual misconduct, and another murder... ''
Peter Lovesey Bertie and the Seven Bodies From the Detective Memoirs fo King Edward VII Mysterious Press 1990 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''In October 1890 twelve guests gather at Desborough Hall to enjoy a week's shooting party... Bertie's presence seems certain to ensure the success of the occasion - except that somebody has chosen Desborough as the perfect venue for murder... '' James Barton 01179265945
Peter Lovesey On The Edge Mysterious Press/Century 1989 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top of spine and page edges slightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''Rose and Antonia had a good war. As WAAF plotters, they had all the excitement and independence of a difficult and dangerous job, and all the fun of being two women on an RAF base... Peacetime is a disappointment... Rosie's war-hero husband has turned brutal lout: Antinia... bored with her rich manufacturer... they could get away with murder... ''
Peter Lovesey Rough Cider Bodley Head 1986 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges browned else Fine book in like, price-clipped, Dust Jacket 5.00 ''Theo Sinclair, a university lecturer, is approached one day in 1964 by... Alice... She wants to be told about her Daddy... hanged for murder in 1945... he and another GI had helped with the apple harvest... The discovery of a huuman skull in a cider barrel led... to Duke's arrest and conviction... ''
Peter Lovesey Rough Cider Bodley Head 1986 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at base of spine and page edges browned else Fine book in slightly creased Dust Jacket with a litrtle wear near the top front corner. Signed by the Author on the Title Page 10.00 ''Theo Sinclair, a university lecturer, is approached one day in 1964 by... Alice... She wants to be told about her Daddy... hanged for murder in 1945... he and another GI had helped with the apple harvest... The discovery of a huuman skull in a cider barrel led... to Duke's arrest and conviction... ''
Jessica Mann Hanging Fire Contsable 1997 First Edition First Printing Page edges browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket lightly rubbed at the fold tips Signed and Personalised by the Author on the front free end paper 5.00 ''Tess Redpath... Tess's married lover, a high-ranking officer undergoing positive vetting for a NATO job, decided it's all over between them... she decides to work as a freelance on the stories she has already started Some strange connections startb to appear. Then Tess's flat is ransacked and set on fire... ''
James McGee Ratcatcher HarperCollins 2006 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine else Fine book in like, slightly rubbed, Dust Jacket with 'Introductory Offer' sticker on cover 5.00 ''Hunting down highwaymen was not the usual preserve of a Bow Street Runner. as the most resourceful of this elite band of investigators, Matthew Hawkwood was surprised to be assigned the case - even if it did involve the murder and mutilation of a naval courier... ''
James Melville The Chrysanthemum Chain Secker & Warburg 1980 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like, slightly rubbed, unpriced, Dust Jacket 4.00 ''... Problems... for Superitendent Otani... David Murrow was murdered... his death has certain marks of a gangland killing. How could a foreigner, a respected and conspicuous figure in the expatriate community, have become involved with the highly professional - and jealously exclusive - local criminals... '' His second Otani novel.
Nicholas Monsarrat A Fair Day's Work Cassell 1964 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine, top front corner and top board edges, top few mm of board edges faded, page edges browned and a little marked and old biro price on front free end paper around Very Good book in slightly worn Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... a proud, immaculate ship held in the grey desolation of Liverpool Dock by bonds far stronger than the hawsers fore and aft. Below her decks seethe agitation and unrest, bred from envy and fomented in spite, tightening their grip as the tide floods and the hour for sailing approaches.''
Nicholas Monsarrat Smith and Jones Cassell 1963 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and page edges bumped, browned and marked around Very Good book in torn worn and creased Dust Jacket with the spine panel orange a little faded 4.00 ''He had files on both Smith and Jones... Not at all the sort of men to be sent across the Iron Curtain, to be trusted with their country's secrets. But they had friends in high places... When they defected he became the scape-goat... BY nightfall he ws on his way.''
Nicholas Monsarrat Something to Hide Cassell 1965 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges foxed and slightly marked else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket 5.00 ''With the sun behind him, Carter could see the girl from a long way off - a forlorn figure, alone, limping, signaling hopelessly. From pity he stopped - and gave her a lift. This simple act opened the door to a world of nightmare, all the more fantastic because each step followed so logically... ''
Sara Paretsky Indemnity Only Gollancz 1982 First Edition in the UK First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges a little marked else Fine book in slightly creased Dust Jacket where previous owner has made biro notes on inside of D. J. and damp has transferred red from boards onto inside of D. J. at top edge of rear pa 25.00 ''Sara Paretsky takes the familiar private-eye formula, and has a lot of fun with it... she outrages propriety by giving us a female private-eye; and one with the unlikely name of Warshowski - who is, like her author, of Polish extraction... ''
Barbara Paul Kill Fee Collins Crime Club 1985 First Edition First Printing? Bruised at top and base of spine, slight spine creasing, rear end paper oddly translucent at one point and page edges browned else Fine book in torn creased and worn Dust Jacket 5.00 ''If your worst enemy was shot dead while you, quite innocent, were miles away with an unimpeachable alibi, you would hardly be human if you did not feel relief. But what if you then received a note sgned Pluto demanding a substantial 'kill fee'? A number of New Yorkers found theselves in that predicament, and most were willing to pay up... ''
Barbara Paul The Renewable Virgin Collins Crime Club 1984 First Edition First Printing? Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges and page edges a little browned and a little marked else Fine book in torn, creasd and badly worn Dust Jacket 3.00 ''Kelly Ingram is a rising star who has everything going for her - great looks, a live-wire personality, enough talent ot get by on, a new TV series and a new lover. She also has an agent and a producer who hate each other... But then a friend is murdered, a harmless scriptwriter... ''
Ellis Peters (Edith Pargeter) The Heretic's Apprentice The Sixteenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael Headline 1989 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 4.00 ''... The mystery that unfolds is not just gripping and baffling in its own right, but is embellished by the further puzzle of the contents of a marvellous treasure box... ''
Ellis Peters (Edith Pargeter) The Holy Thief The Nineteenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael Headline 1992 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''..heavy rains bring the threat of floods... the holy relics must be moved to a place of safelty. And when the waters - and the confusion - subside, a robbery is revealed... And before it is solved, to the crime of theft is added a murder... ''
Ellis Peters (Edith Pargeter) The Potter's Field The Seventeenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael Headline 1989 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and top page edges browned else Fine book in price-clipped Dust Jacket with the spine panel background a little faded 5.00 ''... a local landlord had made a present of the potter's Field to an Augustian Priory close to Shrewsbury... The plough turns up the long, raven tresses of a young woman, dead a year or more... someone has murdered her... ''
Ellis Peters (Edith Pargeter) The Summer of the Danes The Eighteenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael Headline 1991 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket worn at the top and base of spine and fold corners. 5.00 ''... a Danish mercenary fleet has been sighted.. and as if that were not enough, a young girl goes missing and a corpse is discovered... ''
Melville Davisson Post Uncle Abner Master of Mysteries Tom Stacey 1972 First Edition in the UK First Printing Slightly bumped at top and bruised at base of spine and page edges lightly browned and slightly marked else Fine book in like Dust Jacket. 15.00 Introduction by Edmund Crispin and 18 Uncle Abner mysteries. ''... We are taken back to the hills of Virginia in the early days of the American republic, when there were no police and remote communities had to find their own justice. Abner... protects the innocent and exposes the evil doer... ''
Dennis Potter Blackeyes Faber 1987 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and page edges browned else Fine book in slightly creased and rubbed Dust Jacket with the price removed 5.00 ''The writer, Maurice James Kingsley, is seventy-seven. It is twenty years since he has produced a novel, but when he does... Blackeyes is the surprise hit of the season... when Blackeyes' naked body is found drowned... an unputdownable detective story that is also a work of great literary distinction.''
Anthony Price A Prospect of Vengeance A Novel Gollancz 1988 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and lower corners and a small biro line on top page edges else Fine book in like, price-clipped, Dust Jacket 7.50 ''... When Philip Masson's distinguished career was tragically cut short in a South Coast sailing accident... there were nasty rumours, in spite of the careful inquest verdict. For Masson was in line for a security promotion which didn't at all suit Dr David Audley. But there was nothing then to connect Masson's drowning with Audley... ''
Ruth Rendell Live Flesh Hutchinson 1986 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine else Fine book in slightly rubbed Dust Jacket with a small (3mm) tear at the top of the spine panel. 5.00 ''... Holed up in that house with the girl, he had not meant to pull the trigger. it was panic. Panic, which came over him like a second skin, prickling him all over, crawling on him... ''
Ruth Rendell The Copper Peacock And Other Stories Hutchinson 1991 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and across board tops and boards a little marked else Fine book in price-clipped Dust Jacket 10.00 A Pair Of Yellow Lilies; Paperwork; Mother's Help; Long Live The Queen; Dying Happy; The Copper Peacock; Weeds; The Fish-Sitter and An Unwanted Woman
Nicholas Rhea Constable on the Prowl Hale 1980 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine and page edges a little marked else Fine book in slightly worn Dust Jacket 5.00 ''Once he was settled in Aidensfield, Police Constable Nicholas Rhea had to work night duty in the villages and market towns of North Yorkshire... it allowed him a privileged glimpse into the private lives of the residents. But P. C. Rhea's night life was not as simple as he expected... '' The second of the series that made the popular Heartbeat series
Chris Simms Killing The Beasts Orion 2005 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket Signed by the Author on the Title Page 7.50 ''Manchester 2012. The Commonwealth Games are coming to town and the city is alive with possibilities... a series of brutal killings... Jon Spicer gets the case... each victim has been murdered in the same bizarre and grotesque manner... the lack of motive leaves the police utterly baffled... ''
Mickey Spillane The Killing Man Dutton 1989 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine, red pen cross on front free end paper and black marker remainder line on bottom page edges else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... from the moment that Hammer walks into his office to find his beloved secretary, Velda, knocked unconscious and a strange man, brutally murdered, occupying the office chair, your in for one of the fastest-pased, sexiest, most brilliantly plotted adventures the great detective has ever encountered... ''
Neville Steed Chipped Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1988 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine, front free end paper slightly torn and browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... With the aid of his inimitable old friend Gus Tribble, the bewitching Merinda, an artistic and nomadic girl with a memorable talent, and the childlike, innocent Molly, the retarded sixteen-year-old daughter of a local thatcher, Marklin unravells a compoelling story of greed, corruption, vain hopes and strange practices - leading ultimately to violence and murder... ''
Neville Steed Clockwork Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1989 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top of spine and page edges a little browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 7.50 ''Dorset is enjoying an Indian summer and all seems fair for Peter Marklin and his Antique Toy Emporium. That is, until a sixteen-year-old whizz-kid called Tony Thorn strides into the shop, bursting with money-making ideas... there is an inexplicable burglary at the school, followed by a vicious murder in the gym... ''
R. F. Stewart ... And Always A Detective Chapters on the History of Detective Fiction David & Charles 1980 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and three corners else Fine book in like, slightly worn, Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... Drawing on a wide range of contemporary comment, this book in fact reveals a remarkable similarity between Victorian sensation and detective fiction, a comparison from which the latter does not emerge unscathed. This parallel is exemplified by the career of the 'Great Detective... the idea of the detective as final and infallible arbiter was firmly established before Holmes... £
June Thomson The Secret Files Of Sherlock Holmes Constable 1990 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top of spine, a couple of page corner tips creased and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in lightly creased Dust Jacket 20.00 ''... a travel-worn and battered tin despatch-box with the name. 'John H. Watson, MD... contained records of 'some curious problems' which the great detective investigated... '' Seven hitherto unrevealed Sherlockian mysteries...
M. J. Trow Lestrade And The Magpie Constable 1991 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket, with a touch of wear at the top of the rear fold. Signed and Personalised by the Author on the Title Page 5.00 ''England in 1920 is a land fit for heroes... why is one of those heroes found dead in a dingy London hotel... missing, presumed killed in action three years earlier... the fiancee of Inspector Lestrade's daughter... one murder has a habit of leading to another... a woman killed in an air-raid in 1917... ''
M. J. Trow Lestrade And The Ripper Constable 1988 First Edition First Printing Page eges lightly browned else Fine book in Dust Jacket with foxing on the rear flap 15.00 ''In the year 1888 London was horrified by a series of brutal killings... Sholto Lestrade... investigates... and follows the trail to... the minor public school, Rhadegund Hall... hampered by the parallel investigations of that great detective Sherlock Holmes... In the centenary year... M J Trow takes an ingenious look at the murders... ''
M. J. Trow Maxwell's Reunion Hodder & Stoughton 2001 First Edition First Printing Slightly bumped at top and base of spine and page edges lightly browned else Fine book in like Dust Jacket, with a short (4mm) split and a little erosion at top of the rear fold. 4.00 ''... Thirty-seven years on... Maxwell attends a reunion of the class of '65... at the end of the reunion weekend a man is dead, hanging from the bell rope of the old school. When a second violent death occurs, Maxwell... sets out to uncover the secret that has been lurking under his nose all these years... ''
Minette Walters The Dark Room Macmillan 1995 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... Jane (Jinx) Kingsley, fashion photographer and heiress, tried to kill herself after being unceremoniously jilted by her fiance... Leo has since disappeared - together with Jinx's best friend... But when she wakes from her coma, Jinx can remember nothing about her alleged suicide attempt. Then the memories begin to surface... of utter desperation and absolute terror... ''
Eric Wright A Fine Italian Hand Doubleday 1992 First Edition First Printing Bruised at base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''... Actor Alec Hunter has been found knifed and strangled at... the kind of place where drug deals and hour-long rentals are common... What was Alec doing in such a sleazy place? And who was the Italian-looking gentleman who registered for the room?... ''
Donald Zochert Murder in the Hellfire Club Holt Rinehart 1978 First Edition First Printing Bruised at top and base of spine else Fine book in like Dust Jacket 5.00 ''When Ben Franklin arrives in London in 1757, he is intent upon little more thn renewing old friendships... Instead he is drawn into the bizarre doings of London's notorious Hellfire Club... when the porter at the Vulture Tavern is found dead in a room bolted from within, his body unmarked by any sign of violence. Franklin alone calls it murder... ''

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